Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-20
Recent Progress on Zinc‑Ion Rechargeable BatteriesWangwang Xu, Ying Wang*Nano-Micro Lett.(2019)11:90 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-019-0...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-20
Recent Progress on Zinc‑Ion Rechargeable BatteriesWangwang Xu, Ying Wang*Nano-Micro Lett.(2019)11:90 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-019-0...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-19
2019年12月16日中信所发布了最新的中科院期刊分区,众望所归,Nano-Micro Letters 期刊继续保持工程技术类1区,而且,材料科学、纳米科技、物理三个学科全部挺进1区。2019年公布的影响因子:9.043,三年平均影响因子:7.091。特别地,目前即时影响因子:1...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-19
CNT/High Mass Loading MnO2/Graphene-Grafted Carbon Cloth Electrodes for High-Energy Asymmetric Supercapacitors Lulu Lyu, Kwang-do...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-17
High‑Power and Ultralong‑Life Aqueous Zinc‑Ion Hybrid Capacitors Based on Pseudocapacitive Charge Storage Liubing Dong, Wang Yang...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-17
Electrochemical Fabrication of rGO‑embedded Ag‑TiO2 Nanoring/Nanotube Arrays for Plasmonic Solar Water Splitting Lixia Sang*, Lei...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-16
Cell Nanomechanics Based on Dielectric Elastomer Actuator Device Zhichao Li, Chao Gao, Sisi Fan, Jiang Zou, Guoying Gu, Mingdong ...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-16
Cell Membrane Coating Technology: A Promising Strategy for Biomedical Applications Yao Liu, Jingshan Luo, Xiaojia Chen, Wei Liu*,...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-06
All Binder-Free Electrodes for High-Performance Wearable Aqueous Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries Bing He, Ping Man, Qichong Zha...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-12-06
小编为大家介绍四篇入选Web of Science 热点和高被引的文章,让我们一起来了解一下这些优秀文章和作者吧!Web of Science 评定标准 热点文章: 指近2年内发表的论文且在近2个月内被引次数排在相应学科领域全球前1‰以内。 高被引文章: 指近10年内发表...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-11-26
Revealing the Intrinsic Peroxidase-Like Catalytic Mechanism of Heterogeneous Single-Atom Co-MoS2 Ying Wang, Kun Qi, Shansheng Yu,...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-11-21
2019年11 月 19 日,科睿唯安发布了 2019 年“高被引科学家”名单,全球近 60 个国家的 6216 人次科学家入榜。其中中国735人次,内地636人次。 恭喜Nano-Micro Letters 期刊14位编委入选高被引科学家名单:Jun Ch...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-11-21
Drug Nanorod‑Mediated Intracellular Delivery of microRNA‑101 for Self‑sensitization via Autophagy Inhibition XiaofeiXin1, Xiaoqing Du1, Q...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-11-17
Direct Patterning of Carbon Nanotube via Stamp Contact Printing Process for Stretchable and Sensitive Sensing devices Binghao Lia...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-11-14
Optimizing the Performance of CsPbI3‑Based Perovskite Solar Cells via Doping a ZnO Electron Transport Layer Coupled with Interface Engineeri...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-11-06
Toward Flexible and Wearable Embroidered Supercapacitors from Cobalt Phosphides‑Decorated Conductive Fibers Jianfeng Wen, Bingang...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-11-06
Enhanced Catalytic Activity of Gold@Polydopamine Nanoreactors with Multi-compartment Structure Under NIR Irradiation Shilin Mei, ...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-10-24
A New Free-Standing Aqueous Zinc-Ion Capacitor Based on MnO2-CNTs Cathode and MXene Anode Siliang Wang, Qiang Wang, Wei Zeng*, Mi...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-10-14
Construction of Electrocatalytic and Heat-Resistance Self-Supporting Electrodes for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Xue...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-10-14
Boosting Sodium Storage of Fe1-xS/MoS2 Composite via Heterointerface Engineering Song Chen, Shaozhuan Huang, Junping Hu, Shuang F...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-10-08
Plate-to-Layer Bi2MoO6/MXene-Heterostructured Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries Peng Zhang, Danjun Wang, Qizhen Zhu*, Ning Sun,Feng...
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