8Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-05-15
In Situ Synthesis of Fluorescent Mesoporous Silica–Carbon Dot Nanohybrids Featuring Folate Receptor-Overexpressing Cancer Cell Targeting and...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2019-05-15
In Situ Synthesis of Fluorescent Mesoporous Silica–Carbon Dot Nanohybrids Featuring Folate Receptor-Overexpressing Cancer Cell Targeting and...
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Nano-Micro Letters 发布于 2018-08-31
本文亮点 1 以量子点为核、介孔SiO2空心球为壳,制备中空核-壳结构纳米体系。 2 结合PET和光学成像的优点,用双模态PET/光学成像进行癌症的协同诊断。3 成功实现了肿瘤血管的靶向治疗,增加了药物在肿瘤部位的停留时间和靶向特异性。内容简介P...
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