本虚拟专辑简介:精选10篇2020-2022年发表在Nano-Micro Letters《纳微快报(英文)》上的与超级电容器相关的综述论文。分别来自中南大学邹国强副教授团队、南京航空航天大学的张校刚与申来法团队、清华大学任天令教授、上海大学张海娇研究员团队、中国石油大学(华东)范壮军教授课题组、中国科学院北京纳米能量与纳米系统研究所的杨亚团队、济南大学前沿交叉科学研究院周伟家教授和刘宏教授团队、弗吉尼亚理工大学刘田宇博士和东北大学宋禹博士等、重庆大学李猛副教授联合新加坡国立大学的Junmin Xue教授、印度中央塑料工程与技术研究所的Ananthakumar Ramadoss团队。
Ziwei Cao, Roya Momen, Shusheng Tao, Dengyi Xiong, Zirui Song, Xuhuan Xiao, Wentao Deng, Hongshuai Hou, Sedat Yasar, Sedar Altin, Faith Bulut, Guoqiang Zou
Nano-Micro Lett. 14, 181 (2022).
2. Electrochemical Proton Storage: From Fundamental Understanding to Materials to Devices (REVIEW)
Tiezhu Xu, Di Wang, Zhiwei Li, Ziyang Chen, Jinhui Zhang, Tingsong Hu, Xiaogang Zhang and Laifa Shen
Nano-Micro Lett. 14, 126 (2022).
3. A Better Zn-Ion Storage Device: Recent Progress for Zn-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors(REVIEW)
Jialun Jin, Xiangshun Geng, Qiang Chen and Tian-Ling Ren
Nano-Micro Lett. 14, 64 (2022).
4. Recent Progress on Asymmetric Carbon- and Silica-Based Nanomaterials: From Synthetic Strategies to Their Applications (REVIEW)
Haitao Li, Liang Chen, Xiaomin Li, Daoguang Sun and Haijiao Zhang
Nano-Micro Lett. 14, 45 (2022).
5. Recent Developments of Transition Metal Compounds-Carbon Hybrid Electrodes for High Energy/Power Supercapacitors (REVIEW)
Kang Ren, Zheng Liu, Tong Wei and Zhuangjun Fan
Nano-Micro Lett. 13, 129 (2021).
6. 2D Nanomaterials for Effective Energy Scavenging (REVIEW)
Md Al Mahadi Hasan, Yuanhao Wang, Chris R. Bowen and Ya Yang
Nano-Micro Lett. 13, 82 (2021).
7. Laser Synthesis and Microfabrication of Micro/Nanostructured Materials Toward Energy Conversion and Storage (REVIEW)
Lili Zhao, Zhen Liu, Duo Chen, Fan Liu, Zhiyuan Yang, Xiao Li, Haohai Yu, Hong Liu and Weijia Zhou
Nano-Micro Lett. 13, 49 (2021).
8. A Review on Nano-/Microstructured Materials Constructed by Electrochemical Technologies for Supercapacitors (REVIEW)
Huizhen Lv, Qing Pan, Yu Song, Xiao-Xia Liu and Tianyu Liu
Nano-Micro Lett. 12, 118 (2020).
9. Recent Advances on Boosting the Cell Voltage of Aqueous Supercapacitors (REVIEW)
Qianzhi Gou, Shuang Zhao, Jiacheng Wang, Meng Li and Junmin Xue
Nano-Micro Lett. 12, 98 (2020).
10. Comprehensive Insight into the Mechanism, Material Selection and Performance Evaluation of Supercapatteries (REVIEW)
Saravanakumar Balasubramaniam, Ankita Mohanty, Suresh Kannan Balasingam, Sang Jae Kim and Ananthakumar Ramadoss
Nano-Micro Lett. 12, 85 (2020).

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